Board of Directors
Robin Gilliland
Member — Board of Directors
Family office advisor and formerly CFO of Keller Enterprises; Director of Brunswick Group (advised on Pfizer- Wyeth, Celgene-Pharmion, & Mylan- Merck KGaA deals)
Mr. Gilliland has served as a director since September 2014. He is a Principal at Keller Enterprises, LLC, a family office that invests and manages private capital. As a principal, Mr. Gilliland is responsible for sourcing, vetting and managing a variety of private direct investments and spearheading internal initiatives. Prior to joining Keller Enterprises, Mr. Gilliland attended business school beginning in 2011 and was previously a Director at the Brunswick Group, where he specialized in strategic communications and investor relations around mergers and acquisitions. During his tenure at Brunswick, Mr. Gilliland worked on over 35 multi-billion dollar M&A transactions, including Pfizer’s acquisition of Wyreth, Celgene’s acquisition pf Pharmion, and Mylan’s acquisition of Merck Kga’s generic business. He has his MBA from the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, where he graduated with honors.